Male Psychology: The Magazine
A Comprehensive Model of Human Courtship: A Synthesis of the Psychologies to Decode Love and Romance
It’s worth studying because romantic love is needed in the obvious ways that keep our divided society together.
“The winner takes it all”: Japan's controversial sole custody system.
Around 70% of parents and children in Japan do not have visitation after divorce. Of the approximately 30% who do have visitation, the most frequent type of visitation is day visits of a few hours once a month.
Power Imbalances and the Equation of Power
When a male is in a power imbalance, at least two masculine instincts are disempowered…
Why Men don’t write about Sex and Dating
…are men being discouraged from showing sensitivity and awareness about their experiences because it implies insensitivity and a lack of awareness towards women?
Approaching parental alienation with compassion and common sense: An interview with counselling psychologist Dr Sue Whitcombe.
…many professionals seem to interpret the evidence “most convicted child sex offenders are men”, as “children are more at risk from their father than their mother.
The long, dark shadow of parental alienation
Parental alienation is subtle. It leaves no visible scars. The victim may see the perpetrator as their rescuer. A loving parent can be seen as the villain. There will be no cry for help
Looking back on a childhood, and seeing parental alienation
Mother ‘explained’ to me that we had to leave our father for our own protection. Father, I was told, was a very dangerous man.
The state should help prevent - not enable – abuse during family breakdown
Although a ‘survivor’ of domestic abuse… I was never going to give my career up to make me financially eligible for legal aid.