Male Psychology Magazine
Thank you for your interest in our magazine.
On this page you will find the following information:
About our magazine
Write for the magazine

The Centre for Male Psychology Magazine is an online publication specialised in intelligent commentary and opinion on topics related to male psychology. Our articles are written by academics, therapists, workers at charities supporting men, and other people with well-informed views. At The Centre for Male Psychology we respect men and masculinity, and our articles reflect this position.

Our articles are for information purposes only and are not a substitute for therapy, legal advice, or other professional opinion. Never disregard such advice because of an article or anything else you have read from The Centre for Male Psychology. The views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of, or are endorsed by, The Centre for Male Psychology, and we cannot be held responsible for these views.
All articles are the views, perspectives and opinions of the authors of those articles. The information is shared here with no intention to harm or mislead any individual. The Centre for Male Psychology cannot be held accountable for the accuracy of any of the information posted, nor liable for any errors or omissions in this information, nor for the availability of this information. The Centre for Male Psychology will not be liable for any losses, injuries or damages resulting from the display or use of this or other information. If you see something that doesn’t look correct, please contact us [magazine [@] centreformalepsychology.com].
Our website is available free of charge. We do not guarantee that our site, or any content on it, will always be available or be uninterrupted, and some or all parts of the website might be revised or removed without prior announcement.
All original articles and original images are copyright of their respective owners. The Centre for Male Psychology website intends no infringement on the copyrights or businesses of other individuals, organisations etc. Where possible, the appropriate credits or sources are cited. However, due to image alterations, ownership of some images cannot reasonably be verified.

Write for the magazine
Are you interested in writing for us?
We are interested in the views from psychologists and non-psychologists, professionals, and non-professionals. You don’t have to be a specialist in male psychology either. If you have got something interesting to say about a topic related to male psychology, then you should be able to find a format (see ‘types of article’ below) that will suit you.
Before sending your article, tell us your idea first. If your pitch is accepted, you will be provided with our brief style guide which will advise on things like spelling, spacing, using links and references and if necessary, layout. Please take a few minutes to read through all the submissions guidelines and associated notes below before submitting your pitch.
*Please note the information on this page is updated from time to time.
Submission Guidelines
What we publish
Type of content
Our online magazine is part of The Centre for Male Psychology. We therefore publish articles related to male psychology, sex differences research etc, related to a range of topics e.g. child development, education, sports, the workplace, crime, the military, physical health, mental health, and masculinity. We are particularly interested in international perspectives on any of these topics.
The aim of your writing should be to connect with as many people who are interested as possible, which includes both professionals such as academics and practitioners etc as well as the general public. Therefore we ask the academic writing be written with the intelligent non-expert in mind e.g. with a minimum of specialist terminology.
Types of articles
Research review: would be written by someone with academic skills and experience and consist fully of summarising and reviewing an (ideally) new research paper.
Professional experience: tell us your experience of an issue related to male psychology at work. Word count: 500 – 1500.
Case Studies: tell us about any interesting cases related to male psychology. These cases can be clients, groups, or institutions. Word count: 1500 – 2500.
Life experience: tell us your experience of an issue related to male psychology in your personal life. Word count: 500 – 1500.
Review: This might be a review of a book, films, TV etc. Word count: 500 – 1500.
Letters: would be written from a personal perspective, films, TV, books etc. Word count: up to 500 words.
Commentary: on a social trend, or a theoretical perspective etc. Word count: 500 – 1500.
News: a short report about an event of interest related to male psychology Word count: 250 – 500.
Style and format of content
Readability is important to us, so we value clarity and simple language much more than complexity and fancy prose. We publish articles that are easily digestible and well-written. If it’s too complex or obscure, we can’t publish it.
We don’t publish angry articles that insult people or their views using strongly judgemental language. Be reasonable, calm and ‘play the ball, not the person’.
Word count: stick to the limits, but if you think you need more or few words, let us know.
Important information
Benefits of publishing an article
Our articles are free to read, and we don’t receive payment (via paywalls, or academic institutions, or readers), so we don’t pay the people who write the articles. However, having your article published can be valuable in its own right, good for your CV etc, put you in contact with like-minded people and lead to other opportunities.
We prefer previously unpublished material but will on rare occasions consider reprinting articles as long as there are no copyright issues. But in general, you should ensure that you have full ownership of the work you are submitting to us, and that it is an original unpublished piece, in any format e.g. book, podcast etc, and that no part of it has been plagiarised. It should also not have been published, in part or whole, as part of a larger article or other work.
If we publish your original article, you will own the copyright. However, if you republish it elsewhere you should mention, before the article, that it was originally published by us, and include a link back to The Centre for Male Psychology version.
Article Usages
The Centre for Male Psychology may include your article, or parts of it, in other parts of The Centre for Male Psychology, and we will always attribute your work to you. For example, we may quote from it, or include it as part of a collection of articles. We may adapt it for a different format e.g., narrated for YouTube or podcasts. It may also be used in The Centre for Male Psychology advertising, infographics etc. Different formats will also allow your work to be exposed to different audiences.
Editorial Notice
As publishers, we need to be satisfied with what we publish. Your article must be factually correct. We might ask you to make changes to your article, and/or we might edit it ourselves, according to our own editorial judgement, in order to get your article to the highest standard according to our house style. Any such edits will be kept to the minimum possible, but we hope you appreciate our need to make larger changes where we see necessary, though we will always strive to make sure the meaning of your article is preserved. We will do our best to make sure you see the final version of your article, including edits, before publication, but due to time and other pressures this might not always be possible. We publish a disclaimer with our postings and we also reserve the right to remove your article from any of our publication formats at any time.
How to submit your pitch
Please review and complete the form below.
If you have more than one pitch, please send one form per pitch.
If the pitch is urgent (e.g related to current news), make sure to specify this in the form by ticking the required box.
Please DO NOT send your pitch via email, instead please use the form which asks for all the necessary information and will therefore simplify the process. If you contact us via email you will be sent the form to complete.
After submitting your pitch
If your pitch is accepted, the editor will advise you on the next steps.
We aim to get back to you within 10 working days, but sometimes it can take longer. If the submission is urgent e.g., reflects a current news story or trend, we will aim to get back to you sooner.
We do not accept every submission that is made. In some cases we will suggest extensive rewriting, and even then in some circumstances articles will be rejected. Rejection might be due to similarity in theme with other articles, or some other reason unrelated to your article's quality. Even high-quality submissions that might be accepted in other fields may not be accepted for publication by us, purely on the basis that they don’t fit our specific remit at that time.
Due to the high volume of emails, we receive, we cannot guarantee a reply to every email and we cannot provide feedback on rejected submissions.
If you don’t hear back from us regarding your submission, please consider other outlets for publication.