Editorial of the Male Psychology Magazine
Welcome to the first issue of our online magazine! This is brought to you by the magazine’s Editors-in-Chief, John Barry and Louise Liddon, with the help of the magazine’s Senior Office Junior, The Wee Man.
For those of you who guzzle down mainstream gender ideology like last week’s value brand Chardonnay, this magazine will feel like a dose of man-salts triggering the lower intestines of your brain. By reading this magazine over the coming weeks, months and years, you consent to having the cobwebs of ideology ejected from the front rooms of your mind by the vacuum cleaners of reason, and the creepy crawlies of misandry ushered out the back door of your brain on the cardboard of truth under the beer glass of common sense. This will all be done courtesy of some of the brightest voices in male psychology, from luminary experts you might recognise, to exciting newcomers with fresh ideas for you to sample. To get this revival of reason underway, the first issue of the magazine features original and exciting work by:
Rick Bradford, author of the acclaimed The Empathy Gap, on how being a man today means having to deal with constant insults to masculinity
Psychiatrist Paul Dobransky’s moving account of how he remembers his father, and how those memories help him to this day
Child psychologist Tim Watson on the pressures boys are subjected to via the media
Proponent of mindfulness, Tom Hulme, on his concerns about the depiction of male rape in the entertainment industry
A postgraduate student tells us about the difficulties he has experienced as a minority – being male - training to be a psychologist
As a special bonus for our French-speaking colleagues, we include an article by Patrick Traube on men, masculinity and relationships.
In 2018, in our former incarnation as the Male Psychology Network, we had the 3rd most popular psychology blogspot in the UK. This means we have a goldmine of excellent articles and blogs, and will be posting a selection of some of the best ones.
After reading these articles, our senior office junior, The Wee Man, sadly shook his stylishly-rendered head and said:
Don’t worry Wee Man – the readers of the CMP magazine care!
Hope you enjoy the magazine, and look forward to you visiting our pages again.
The Male Psychology Magazine team.