Male Psychology: The Magazine
Written evidence from The Centre for Male Psychology for the inquiry into men's health by the UK Parliament
In recent decades it has become increasingly popular to attribute men’s health problems and relative lack of help-seeking behaviour to deficits in masculinity.
The impact of lockdown on men’s community groups
Loneliness and isolation increase the likelihood of mortality by 26%. The effects have been compared to the impact of well-known risk factors such as obesity and smoking […] there must be open debate and a rigorous risk/benefit impact study undertaken prior to any future [lockdown]
‘Do I Belong Here?’ How well are male victims of domestic abuse served by local authority websites?
Many local authorities will use ungendered language, but given the predominant “male violence” narrative, ungendered language may not be enough to convince a man he’s in the right place.
The UK should not ratify the Istanbul Convention
do we want our laws to be built on these assumptions, or would you rather that Parliament decides which assumptions our laws are built on?
The APA has changed its view of masculinity
The APA has been criticised for the view of masculinity in their 2018 guidelines, so it is very welcome news that the mission statement of the relevant part of the APA is no longer so negative.