Male Psychology: The Magazine
It’s time for the PTMF to stop categorising men as negative stereotypes
“Although psychiatry is criticised for reducing people to diagnostic categories, the PTMF reduces men even further to a narrow and unforgiving stereotype of masculinity”
From Sex War to Family Union: an interview with Neil Lyndon
…the feminist movement has done inestimable damage to the mental health of boys and men. Making boys second class at school, teaching them that males are bad by nature and that women have suffered at the hands of men inevitably leads to boys feeling unhappy about themselves and adopting the unruly, delinquent behaviour which is expected of them.
Book review: ‘No More Sex War’ and ‘Sexual Impolitics’ by Neil Lyndon
The book is a brilliant achievement, both intellectually and morally. It has stood the test of time – unfortunately - because things haven’t changed that much since 1992
Is our attitude to men based on substandard research?
Much of our attitudes, theorizing and public debate around men and masculinity is influenced by high profile feminist and Gender Studies scholars in academia. But what is the scientific quality of publications from these scholars?
We need to listen to young men, even when we don’t like what they are saying
Some people blame drill music – a form of rap - for the rising murder rate in London. Drill is known for aggressive lyrics about gang violence, but rather than seeing this as a valuable way for young men to express their feelings, some people want to ban it.
‘Dehumanizing the male’. Book review.
To survive… cultures have to use men and women effectively and … in fact, most cultures have used men and women in different ways… what our culture does is [grant] greater status to men and greater protection to women
The Cassie Jaye interview: reflections on The Red Pill movie, five years on
Gender scholars and activists were aghast a few years ago at the depiction of a feminist, in a documentary movie called The Red Pill, who unexpectedly learned to empathise with men. In a rare interview, director and star of The Red Pill, Cassie Jaye, reflects upon the impact the movie has had on herself and others.
Why it’s not ok to say ‘Kill All Men’
In 2017 Deputy Editor of HuffPost Personal Emily McCombs posted the tweet “New Year’s resolutions: 1. Cultivate female friendships 2. Band together to kill all men”.
Of Bond, villains, and the average boy.
What is to be gained by demonising men, when they are our brothers, sons, grandchildren? How can society function properly with 50% of it branded as toxic?
Dads should not be sneered at for taking their little daughters to the women’s toilets
Inside, there was a huge set of cubicles, all fully closable to give lots of privacy. We walked along the cubicles to a free one, but…
Masculinity in Brazil: the man, the he-goat and the scapegoat
Brazil is plural... There are those who still see masculinity as a Tarzan archetype, which must be rescued. …Many people (especially women) criticise traditional masculinity, but reinforce it.
The All-Party Parliamentary Group report on Issues Affecting Men and Boys is a welcome step in the right direction, but must not be led astray, as initiatives have been in the past
The most positive news so far this year for the wellbeing of men and boys is the publication of the report, A Boy Today, by the All-Party Parliamentary Group on Issues Affecting Men and Boys.
80% of clinical psychologists are women. What is being done to address this gender imbalance?
This is the second of a two-part article. In Part 1 we saw that men make up only about 20% of clinical psychologists. For a field so focused on equality, this is a very large elephant in the room. Here, in the second part of this article, efforts to address this disparity - and responses to these efforts - are discussed.
How can you help men who are falsely accused of sexual abuse? Notes from the FASO helpline
your photograph, name and address, might appear in the local and national press and on TV, insinuating what an evil monster you are
Why are so few psychologists male? Insights from a psychology trainee
If the situation was reversed, I would never dismiss the contributions from female colleagues purely because they were female and their experiences were different to my own.
Should we be concerned about the messages that men and boys are exposed to?
I have concerns as to how these inconsistencies and sweeping generalisations about men and boys go unchallenged.