Male Psychology: The Magazine
“Men won't CLAM up if you're male-friendly!” A brief guide to supporting men’s mental health.
Against the backdrop of this thinking, the Centre for Male Psychology has come up with 'bite size' guidance of five points to think about in relation to men’s mental health.
Let’s Cultivate Resilience Before It Becomes a Lost Skill
Resilient people do not let adversity define them, because they have been conditioned to perceive bad times as a temporary situation.
80% of clinical psychologists are women. What is being done to address this gender imbalance?
This is the second of a two-part article. In Part 1 we saw that men make up only about 20% of clinical psychologists. For a field so focused on equality, this is a very large elephant in the room. Here, in the second part of this article, efforts to address this disparity - and responses to these efforts - are discussed.
How can you help men who are falsely accused of sexual abuse? Notes from the FASO helpline
your photograph, name and address, might appear in the local and national press and on TV, insinuating what an evil monster you are
Why are so few psychologists male? Insights from a psychology trainee
If the situation was reversed, I would never dismiss the contributions from female colleagues purely because they were female and their experiences were different to my own.
ADHD: see the positives and get the balance right
Would the world be better off without the existence of ADHD symptoms and traits? Hardly. Strip away ADHD and we may take away our evolutionary pattern of neurodiversity. The hyperactivity and impulsivity when channeled in the right manner offers healthy risk taking, ability to perform high energy and intensity tasks and a mind that can think outside the box when a problem arises.