Male Psychology: The Magazine
A paradigm shift in the field of men’s mental health: review of the new book ‘Men’s Issues and Men’s Mental Health’, by Prof Robert Whitley
As explained in this excellent book, the study of men’s mental health is dominated by what is called the ‘deficit view’ of masculinity.
Fatherlessness, violence and suicidal tendencies in Norway. A review of the novel ‘Mysteries’ by Knut Hamsun
…if you could take the pages of that book and condense that precise combination of words and their meaning into a pill, people would never want to take drugs again
Book review: ‘No More Sex War’ and ‘Sexual Impolitics’ by Neil Lyndon
The book is a brilliant achievement, both intellectually and morally. It has stood the test of time – unfortunately - because things haven’t changed that much since 1992
‘Dehumanizing the male’. Book review.
To survive… cultures have to use men and women effectively and … in fact, most cultures have used men and women in different ways… what our culture does is [grant] greater status to men and greater protection to women
‘Helping Male Survivors of Sexual Violation to Recover: An integrative approach – stories from therapy’. Book review.
The book begins with a description of her therapeutic approach, and an illustration of how to understand and work with the rage often seen in male CSA clients.
Book review of Grayson Perry’s The Descent of Man
What is to be gained by demonising men, when they are our brothers, sons, grandchildren? How can society function properly with 50% of it branded as toxic?