Male Psychology: The Magazine
Neglected, Rejected and Unprotected: The Sexual Abuse of Boys and Men
“I changed the wording on my website from ‘Come to therapy, talk about your feelings, be vulnerable and express your emotions’ to ‘Come to therapy, take action, tackle your problems and take control.’ Not only did I see a significant increase in boys and men booking therapy sessions with me, I discovered that adapting my practice, utilising masculinity and adopting male-friendly methods worked.”
‘The Unspoken Truth About Male Sexual Abuse’: Insights from a police officer turned psychologist.
…maybe some of the men in prison were victims who had used drugs and alcohol to cope too. I knew this was a slippery slope…a slope that could quickly and easily lead to a prison cell.
False allegations of rape: the true extent remains unknown.
…lack of a consistent definition of what constitutes a false rape allegation, as well as variations in recording practices by police and others in the CJS, make accurate assessment of the true extent of such allegations very difficult.
‘Helping Male Survivors of Sexual Violation to Recover: An integrative approach – stories from therapy’. Book review.
The book begins with a description of her therapeutic approach, and an illustration of how to understand and work with the rage often seen in male CSA clients.