Male Psychology: The Magazine

Commentary, Violence Pablo Malo Commentary, Violence Pablo Malo

La Violencia de Pareja Legal y Administrativa

La violencia de pareja es un constructo multidimensional en el que se suelen distinguir la violencia física, la psicológica, la sexual y las conductas coercitivas y de control. En este artículo voy a abordar un tipo de violencia de pareja que no ha sido tan estudiada aunque -por su frecuencia y consecuencias- lo merece.

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Commentary, Masculinity, Mental Health John Barry Commentary, Masculinity, Mental Health John Barry

Most people know masculinity is ok, and the Harry’s masculinity reports support this view

International Men’s Day 2017 saw the launch in Westminster of the first Harry’s masculinity report. The report found evidence justifying why the general public think men are basically ok, despite the fact that so many academics seem to use men as a blank screen onto which to project their negative feelings about masculinity.

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Opinion, Masculinity Miles Groth Opinion, Masculinity Miles Groth

Tonic masculinity: part 2

This is the second part of a two-part article. Part 1 can be found here.

“This brings me to a final value of tonic masculinity as I see it emerging. And that is the work to be done of restoring harmony between the sexes, to return relations in the nuclear family and local community to a degree of genuinely democratic responsibility and caring for the other.”

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Opinion, Workplace Mark Lindsay Opinion, Workplace Mark Lindsay

The development of my father’s career in psychology, and how the field changed during the 20th century from being male-dominated to female-dominated

…post-war maintenance of an enlarged Civil Service […] led to a strong presence of women in the governance of State endeavours such as the NHS. It also seems that once […] clinical psychologists were allowed to practice ‘talking therapies,’ for which women arguably have a natural aptitude, the floodgates for women in psychology were fully opened.

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Opinion, Fatherhood Vincent McGovern Opinion, Fatherhood Vincent McGovern

One man’s experience of how the family court system can impact the mental health of fathers

During that holiday whilst not with me, the oldest boy started self-harming and talked about killing himself. …What do you think was the action of social services at the case conference? Case closed, the children were taken off the At Risk Register. The father was no longer in the family home and now the children were deemed safe.

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