Male Psychology: The Magazine
Masculinity isn’t toxic, it’s the tonic society needs. An interview with therapist, Professor Miles Groth.
Masculinity may be just the tonic (remedy) needed by society at a time when it has recently suffered so many fractures.
Neglected, Rejected and Unprotected: The Sexual Abuse of Boys and Men
“I changed the wording on my website from ‘Come to therapy, talk about your feelings, be vulnerable and express your emotions’ to ‘Come to therapy, take action, tackle your problems and take control.’ Not only did I see a significant increase in boys and men booking therapy sessions with me, I discovered that adapting my practice, utilising masculinity and adopting male-friendly methods worked.”
Young men need authentic values, not influencers
We all know that young people enter a rebellious phase, and we should limit the damage they can do to their lives during this phase.
Power Imbalances and the Equation of Power
When a male is in a power imbalance, at least two masculine instincts are disempowered…
Men tend to regulate their emotions through actions rather than words
The two ways of regulating emotions have implications for the field of mental health, which relies predominately on talking therapy – in particular talking about feelings.
The "Better Angels" of Masculinity
Masculinity is a set of masculine instincts—whose expression and use generate and are energized by the feeling of passion for life.
Everyone around the world should celebrate men on International Men’s Day. An interview with Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh
IMD is not recognized by the UN because many believe we live in a patriarchal world and that the focus of the UN should be on women and children.
'The APA guidelines are disparaging of men and boys’. An interview with Professor Chris Ferguson
I’ve become curious why people, including very smart people with Ph.Ds, tend to leap at moralistic conclusions, adhere to them and consider them “science” when they are no such thing.
Why do we overlook the psychological impact on men of being childless? An interview with Dr Rob Hadley
…critical gerontology focuses on the political-economic approach and consequently had a limited perspective on women and men: economically the former were seen as deprived and men privileged. Men were therefore disregarded.
Beyond ‘male privilege’. An interview with Rick Bradford (aka Will Collins), author of The Empathy Gap.
…There is a reason why men who speak up on these issues tend to be retired or unemployed.
Masculinity can be good for men’s mental health, but thinking it’s bad for you is related to bad mental health
…a review of 58 research studies conducted between 1978 and 2021 found that masculinity […] is, in fact, linked to lower depression
Who watches the Watchmen, and who constructs the constructions? Superheroes, ideology and masculinity.
Reviewing the academic analyses of Watchmen is an exercise in reviewing ideologically driven texts describing an ideologically driven text.