Male Psychology: The Magazine
Men tend to regulate their emotions through actions rather than words
The two ways of regulating emotions have implications for the field of mental health, which relies predominately on talking therapy – in particular talking about feelings.
How would you know if you are discriminating against men?
This OECD research identifies gender inequality, but only when it goes against women. That’s because they literally don’t measure the inequalities that go against men.
How the Manosphere led us to develop better mental health services for men
men are driven [to the Manosphere] because they feel lonely, misunderstood and there is a lack of male-friendly services elsewhere.
‘We can treat people fairly and respectfully even if men and women aren’t identical on average on every trait’. Interview with Professor Steve Stewart-Williams
…people – men and women alike – respond less positively to male-favouring sex differences than they do to female-favouring sex differences.
Everyone around the world should celebrate men on International Men’s Day. An interview with Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh
IMD is not recognized by the UN because many believe we live in a patriarchal world and that the focus of the UN should be on women and children.