Male Psychology: The Magazine
Light from the dark. The starting of Talk Club.
When a man doesn’t feel pushed into talking, when he can just sit there, watch the film - while cradling his pint, watching others open up - At the end he might just say..... “Yeah I feel that way too.”
It’s time for the PTMF to stop categorising men as negative stereotypes
“Although psychiatry is criticised for reducing people to diagnostic categories, the PTMF reduces men even further to a narrow and unforgiving stereotype of masculinity”
Book review: ‘No More Sex War’ and ‘Sexual Impolitics’ by Neil Lyndon
The book is a brilliant achievement, both intellectually and morally. It has stood the test of time – unfortunately - because things haven’t changed that much since 1992
We need to listen to young men, even when we don’t like what they are saying
Some people blame drill music – a form of rap - for the rising murder rate in London. Drill is known for aggressive lyrics about gang violence, but rather than seeing this as a valuable way for young men to express their feelings, some people want to ban it.
‘Dehumanizing the male’. Book review.
To survive… cultures have to use men and women effectively and … in fact, most cultures have used men and women in different ways… what our culture does is [grant] greater status to men and greater protection to women
A zoology of male psychology: why understanding men doesn’t have to be a turtle disaster
If everyone agrees that something is no good, it makes sense to get rid of it, right? “In what must have seemed like a good idea at the time, in the year 1233, Pope Gregory IX issued a papal decree that Satan was half-cat and sometimes took the form of a cat. The violent result of this decree was a diminished population of feral cats in Europe.
La Violencia de Pareja Legal y Administrativa
La violencia de pareja es un constructo multidimensional en el que se suelen distinguir la violencia física, la psicológica, la sexual y las conductas coercitivas y de control. En este artículo voy a abordar un tipo de violencia de pareja que no ha sido tan estudiada aunque -por su frecuencia y consecuencias- lo merece.
One man’s experience of how the family court system can impact the mental health of fathers
During that holiday whilst not with me, the oldest boy started self-harming and talked about killing himself. …What do you think was the action of social services at the case conference? Case closed, the children were taken off the At Risk Register. The father was no longer in the family home and now the children were deemed safe.
Legal and Administrative Intimate Partner Violence
Legal and administrative violence is the manipulation of legal and administrative resources as an attempt to control or inflict emotional and financial harm on one’s partner
Of Bond, villains, and the average boy.
What is to be gained by demonising men, when they are our brothers, sons, grandchildren? How can society function properly with 50% of it branded as toxic?
We need a sophisticated international approach to understanding the mental health needs of boys and girls
We should avoid the temptation to apply a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to mental health either to boys and girls or across different cultures.
World Suicide Prevention Day 2021: complex times require clear thinking, not ideology
Although mental illness has increased since covid-related restrictions began, the suicide rate has reduced. This is welcome news, but why has it happened?
How can you help men who are falsely accused of sexual abuse? Notes from the FASO helpline
your photograph, name and address, might appear in the local and national press and on TV, insinuating what an evil monster you are