Male Psychology: The Magazine
The "Better Angels" of Masculinity
Masculinity is a set of masculine instincts—whose expression and use generate and are energized by the feeling of passion for life.
Why do we overlook the psychological impact on men of being childless? An interview with Dr Rob Hadley
…critical gerontology focuses on the political-economic approach and consequently had a limited perspective on women and men: economically the former were seen as deprived and men privileged. Men were therefore disregarded.
Boys might read more if we give them books they want to read
By providing books boys might want to read, there is a genuine chance of inspiring boys to read more.
Masculinity can be good for men’s mental health, but thinking it’s bad for you is related to bad mental health
…a review of 58 research studies conducted between 1978 and 2021 found that masculinity […] is, in fact, linked to lower depression
Who watches the Watchmen, and who constructs the constructions? Superheroes, ideology and masculinity.
Reviewing the academic analyses of Watchmen is an exercise in reviewing ideologically driven texts describing an ideologically driven text.
The Valentine gift of Masculinity
More than at any time in history, we need now to grant each other this gift of mutual care. That is because the love of women no longer saves men from the battles they face, and the love of men no longer saves women from wolves that prey on their peace of mind.
To be or not to be in the Covid-19 Brave New Normal? A question of male courage.
There is an assault from many factions in our society dominated by a postmodern outlook, which seeks to deconstruct the identity of men, masculinity, and men’s role in the pursuit of truth.
Do men take too many risks in relation to the environment and covid-19?
Imagine that we knew that a stray planet was going to collide with us in a year’s time, and people could look up at the sky every day and see the planet getting bigger and bigger… How many climate sceptics would suddenly believe in saving the Earth?
Is our attitude to men based on substandard research?
Much of our attitudes, theorizing and public debate around men and masculinity is influenced by high profile feminist and Gender Studies scholars in academia. But what is the scientific quality of publications from these scholars?
A zoology of male psychology: why understanding men doesn’t have to be a turtle disaster
If everyone agrees that something is no good, it makes sense to get rid of it, right? “In what must have seemed like a good idea at the time, in the year 1233, Pope Gregory IX issued a papal decree that Satan was half-cat and sometimes took the form of a cat. The violent result of this decree was a diminished population of feral cats in Europe.