Male Psychology: The Magazine
Neglected, Rejected and Unprotected: The Sexual Abuse of Boys and Men
“I changed the wording on my website from ‘Come to therapy, talk about your feelings, be vulnerable and express your emotions’ to ‘Come to therapy, take action, tackle your problems and take control.’ Not only did I see a significant increase in boys and men booking therapy sessions with me, I discovered that adapting my practice, utilising masculinity and adopting male-friendly methods worked.”
Does virtue signalling in advertising impress you or depress you? It’s time to take a look at ESG.
A spokesman [for Bud Light] said "We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people. We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer".
12 Step Addiction Recovery in a Men’s Prison
Early in his career, [Keith Humphreys, professor of psychiatry] said, he dismissed AA, thinking, “How dare these people do things that I have all these degrees to do?”
Why would anyone object to a campaign to prevent male suicide?
A spokesman [for Bud Light] said "We never intended to be part of a discussion that divides people. We are in the business of bringing people together over a beer".
Young men need authentic values, not influencers
We all know that young people enter a rebellious phase, and we should limit the damage they can do to their lives during this phase.
Exercise science is weakened by gender ideology: an interview with Dr James Nuzzo
Peer reviewers seem to be more accepting of my research on physiological differences between men and women (e.g., muscle fatigability) and less accepting of my research on psychological differences.
Power Imbalances and the Equation of Power
When a male is in a power imbalance, at least two masculine instincts are disempowered…
Men should express their feelings, but not about feminism. Introducing the German antifeminism hotline.
The attempt to prevent criticism of radical feminism actually poses a threat to democracy and civil liberties.
Men tend to regulate their emotions through actions rather than words
The two ways of regulating emotions have implications for the field of mental health, which relies predominately on talking therapy – in particular talking about feelings.
Why Men don’t write about Sex and Dating
…are men being discouraged from showing sensitivity and awareness about their experiences because it implies insensitivity and a lack of awareness towards women?
The impact of lockdown on men’s community groups
Loneliness and isolation increase the likelihood of mortality by 26%. The effects have been compared to the impact of well-known risk factors such as obesity and smoking […] there must be open debate and a rigorous risk/benefit impact study undertaken prior to any future [lockdown]
But seriously folks, shouldn’t psychologists take humour more seriously? Interview with evolutionary psychologist Dr Gil Greengross
Generally speaking men’s humour is a good predictor of relationship satisfaction, as long as the woman appreciates it. A lot of studies show that men try to impress women with humour.
Light from the dark. The starting of Talk Club.
When a man doesn’t feel pushed into talking, when he can just sit there, watch the film - while cradling his pint, watching others open up - At the end he might just say..... “Yeah I feel that way too.”
How would you know if you are discriminating against men?
This OECD research identifies gender inequality, but only when it goes against women. That’s because they literally don’t measure the inequalities that go against men.
82,000 chapter downloads and counting: the spectacular success of The Palgrave Handbook of Male Psychology and Mental Health
According to the publisher, Palgrave Macmillan, the Handbook of Male Psychology is, with over 82,000 chapter downloads and almost 100 citations, one of their “best-performing titles within the psychology list, and at Palgrave Macmillan in general
Taking an historical view of men’s mental health: an interview with medical historian Ali Haggett
I was left with no doubt that men were struggling in myriad ways with stress and psychological illness – yet it has always been the discourse of the ‘desperate housewife’ that has attracted the most publicity, both in medicine and popular culture