Male Psychology: The Magazine
Approaching parental alienation with compassion and common sense: An interview with counselling psychologist Dr Sue Whitcombe.
…many professionals seem to interpret the evidence “most convicted child sex offenders are men”, as “children are more at risk from their father than their mother.
Are men less willing to engage in traditional talking therapy because therapy has been feminised?
Gamma bias […] plays down positive aspects of masculinity, whilst rejecting the notion of men as victims.
The “Toxic Male Gaze”: Should men staring at women be illegal?
London Transport trains are used by people of all kinds from all over the world, including ordinary people from cultures where staring is not seen as threatening e.g. Spain
‘We can treat people fairly and respectfully even if men and women aren’t identical on average on every trait’. Interview with Professor Steve Stewart-Williams
…people – men and women alike – respond less positively to male-favouring sex differences than they do to female-favouring sex differences.
The "Better Angels" of Masculinity
Masculinity is a set of masculine instincts—whose expression and use generate and are energized by the feeling of passion for life.
Men, Alcohol and Coping
Alcohol abuse clearly appeared to affect men in much larger numbers than women, but nonetheless, discussions rarely mentioned why this might be.
Feel the fear – it might save someone’s life
Fear is a huge motivator for me and Project Jeb. Fear it will happen again to another close long time friend, or their son.
Everyone around the world should celebrate men on International Men’s Day. An interview with Dr. Jerome Teelucksingh
IMD is not recognized by the UN because many believe we live in a patriarchal world and that the focus of the UN should be on women and children.
Woke Therapy Weakens the Client
The client will be encouraged to interrogate their relationships based on power dynamics. Female clients, for example, will be urged to view all interactions with men as a site of patriarchal oppression
Why do male victims of violence seem to disappear like magic?
Gage claimed the witch trials were a way that religion was used to oppress women. [However] a sizable proportion of victims of the witch trials were men.
Men’s Experience of Intimate Partner Violence: findings from Norway.
Despite the fact that violence against men has been invisible in research, in the wider social discourse and in the historical narrative about men, it seems that men are generally able to speak openly about their own experiences of violence without defining themselves as victims.
The long, dark shadow of parental alienation
Parental alienation is subtle. It leaves no visible scars. The victim may see the perpetrator as their rescuer. A loving parent can be seen as the villain. There will be no cry for help
'The APA guidelines are disparaging of men and boys’. An interview with Professor Chris Ferguson
I’ve become curious why people, including very smart people with Ph.Ds, tend to leap at moralistic conclusions, adhere to them and consider them “science” when they are no such thing.