Male Psychology: The Magazine
Does children’s TV drive you crazy? Here is one dad’s Top 3 recommendations for what’s best for your child, and most bearable for you.
"In training, they forced me to listen to the Barney [the Dinosaur] "I Love You" song for 45 minutes. I never want to go through that again".
Masculinity can be good for men’s mental health, but thinking it’s bad for you is related to bad mental health
…a review of 58 research studies conducted between 1978 and 2021 found that masculinity […] is, in fact, linked to lower depression
Are false accusations lies, errors, or something in between?
…she projects the distorted animus onto her male partner and ‘falls in hate’ with him; she over-interprets neutral events as negative.
How can a single dad be the best dad he can be? An interview with Dads House founder Billy McGranaghan
People depart a man in trouble [but as] soon as a man's got someone to talk to he will pour his heart out.
The UK should not ratify the Istanbul Convention
do we want our laws to be built on these assumptions, or would you rather that Parliament decides which assumptions our laws are built on?
Expanding our understanding of male victims of domestic abuse: An interview with Dr Liz Bates
people are more aware of the fact men can be victims of this type of violence, but this often isn’t translated into policy, practice or indeed provision of resources
Five steps to better mental health for men
Open up more, notice more how you feel, keep focused on your goals, put your goals first because you know they are good for you
Who watches the Watchmen, and who constructs the constructions? Superheroes, ideology and masculinity.
Reviewing the academic analyses of Watchmen is an exercise in reviewing ideologically driven texts describing an ideologically driven text.
When domestic violence turns into legal and administrative violence
Five years ago, I believed the system would support genuine victims, that it supported ‘at risk’ children. Maybe I was naïve in my thinking
The APA has changed its view of masculinity
The APA has been criticised for the view of masculinity in their 2018 guidelines, so it is very welcome news that the mission statement of the relevant part of the APA is no longer so negative.
Is parental alienation a topic that’s too controversial to make a TV drama about?
As the series progresses, we'll show the transformation that occurs in a teen boy after a strong male role model does become involved in his life.
Brutalised children can become brutal adults: An interview with clinical and forensic psychologist Dr Naomi Murphy.
The brutality of the person's offence is generally related to the brutality of what they've experienced during childhood.
Why are twice as many women as men prescribed psychotropic drugs? A historical perspective.
Mental distress in men was more common than generally acknowledged, and was treated in different ways e.g. alternative drugs, or self-medication with over-the-counter remedies.
Does it matter what country a psychology study is conducted in?
… many papers do not even bother to identify or justify the nationality of their samples…
A paradigm shift in the field of men’s mental health: review of the new book ‘Men’s Issues and Men’s Mental Health’, by Prof Robert Whitley
As explained in this excellent book, the study of men’s mental health is dominated by what is called the ‘deficit view’ of masculinity.
Fatherlessness, violence and suicidal tendencies in Norway. A review of the novel ‘Mysteries’ by Knut Hamsun
…if you could take the pages of that book and condense that precise combination of words and their meaning into a pill, people would never want to take drugs again
It’s time for the PTMF to stop categorising men as negative stereotypes
“Although psychiatry is criticised for reducing people to diagnostic categories, the PTMF reduces men even further to a narrow and unforgiving stereotype of masculinity”