Male Psychology: The Magazine
Men should express their feelings, but not about feminism. Introducing the German antifeminism hotline.
The attempt to prevent criticism of radical feminism actually poses a threat to democracy and civil liberties.
Does patriarchy exist in the West today, except as a lazy slogan?
The term ‘patriarchy’ [is] a concept, not a theory. For something to be a theory, it should be testable, empirical, and capable of making predictions.
Beyond ‘male privilege’. An interview with Rick Bradford (aka Will Collins), author of The Empathy Gap.
…There is a reason why men who speak up on these issues tend to be retired or unemployed.
An invisible hero for invisible victims: interview with domestic violence pioneer, Erin Pizzey
90% of men in prisons have come from generational family violence… So when they're violent - which is what they've learned - we then perpetuate the violence by putting them in prison.
Politicians can’t hear what men don’t say. An interview with Ann Widdecombe.
“I feel very strongly that the pendulum has swung too far, as it always does, the swing from a very male dominated patriarchal society to a very, very female dominated society where men …”
From Sex War to Family Union: an interview with Neil Lyndon
…the feminist movement has done inestimable damage to the mental health of boys and men. Making boys second class at school, teaching them that males are bad by nature and that women have suffered at the hands of men inevitably leads to boys feeling unhappy about themselves and adopting the unruly, delinquent behaviour which is expected of them.
Book review: ‘No More Sex War’ and ‘Sexual Impolitics’ by Neil Lyndon
The book is a brilliant achievement, both intellectually and morally. It has stood the test of time – unfortunately - because things haven’t changed that much since 1992
“It has to start with listening”. A feminist comes to terms with the Men's Rights movement. (Inspiring quotes from Cassie Jaye’s TEDx Talk).
“Why couldn't I simply learn about men's issues and have compassion for male victims without jumping at the opportunity to insist that women are the real victims?”
Is our attitude to men based on substandard research?
Much of our attitudes, theorizing and public debate around men and masculinity is influenced by high profile feminist and Gender Studies scholars in academia. But what is the scientific quality of publications from these scholars?
‘Dehumanizing the male’. Book review.
To survive… cultures have to use men and women effectively and … in fact, most cultures have used men and women in different ways… what our culture does is [grant] greater status to men and greater protection to women
Why it’s not ok to say ‘Kill All Men’
In 2017 Deputy Editor of HuffPost Personal Emily McCombs posted the tweet “New Year’s resolutions: 1. Cultivate female friendships 2. Band together to kill all men”.
Dads should not be sneered at for taking their little daughters to the women’s toilets
Inside, there was a huge set of cubicles, all fully closable to give lots of privacy. We walked along the cubicles to a free one, but…
Masculinity in Brazil: the man, the he-goat and the scapegoat
Brazil is plural... There are those who still see masculinity as a Tarzan archetype, which must be rescued. …Many people (especially women) criticise traditional masculinity, but reinforce it.
80% of clinical psychologists are women. What is being done to address this gender imbalance?
This is the second of a two-part article. In Part 1 we saw that men make up only about 20% of clinical psychologists. For a field so focused on equality, this is a very large elephant in the room. Here, in the second part of this article, efforts to address this disparity - and responses to these efforts - are discussed.
What’s happened to the blue collar male, and why does it matter?
Blue collar males in the U.S. are experiencing higher incarceration rates, dying younger, using drugs more, and marrying less than ever before. Why?
Why are so few psychologists male? Insights from a psychology trainee
If the situation was reversed, I would never dismiss the contributions from female colleagues purely because they were female and their experiences were different to my own.
Male rape in the media: The forgotten victims.
For years male rape has been shown as comedy, in films to TV shows, so much that it’s now a cliché. It even appears in children’s cartoon shows such as SpongeBob SquarePants
The boys are back in town… because they dropped out of university
educational underachievement can have personal costs to individuals and to society, especially when underachievement turns into delinquency and crime.