Male Psychology: The Magazine
Men tend to regulate their emotions through actions rather than words
The two ways of regulating emotions have implications for the field of mental health, which relies predominately on talking therapy – in particular talking about feelings.
Light from the dark. The starting of Talk Club.
When a man doesn’t feel pushed into talking, when he can just sit there, watch the film - while cradling his pint, watching others open up - At the end he might just say..... “Yeah I feel that way too.”
Why does the law underestimate the psychosocial benefits of fathers?
While it is important that children are supported, financially and otherwise […] child maintenance payments appear to be moving many non-resident parents into poverty
8 strategies, learned in prison, for resolving conflict without resorting to combat
It is important to remember that conflicts are often about the situation or problem at hand, rather than about the person or people involved.
How the Manosphere led us to develop better mental health services for men
men are driven [to the Manosphere] because they feel lonely, misunderstood and there is a lack of male-friendly services elsewhere.
‘Do I Belong Here?’ How well are male victims of domestic abuse served by local authority websites?
Many local authorities will use ungendered language, but given the predominant “male violence” narrative, ungendered language may not be enough to convince a man he’s in the right place.
Battering the boy won’t make a better man
Boys must be taught how to turn their negative emotions of hate, anger and depression, as a result of violence, into a productive medium.
UK law starts excluding fathers at birth: what psychosocial impact might this have on children and fathers?
The potential benefits of paternity leave on the father, the child and the family unit are numerous.
Are men less willing to engage in traditional talking therapy because therapy has been feminised?
Gamma bias […] plays down positive aspects of masculinity, whilst rejecting the notion of men as victims.
The "Better Angels" of Masculinity
Masculinity is a set of masculine instincts—whose expression and use generate and are energized by the feeling of passion for life.
Men, Alcohol and Coping
Alcohol abuse clearly appeared to affect men in much larger numbers than women, but nonetheless, discussions rarely mentioned why this might be.
Woke Therapy Weakens the Client
The client will be encouraged to interrogate their relationships based on power dynamics. Female clients, for example, will be urged to view all interactions with men as a site of patriarchal oppression
Why do male victims of violence seem to disappear like magic?
Gage claimed the witch trials were a way that religion was used to oppress women. [However] a sizable proportion of victims of the witch trials were men.
Men’s Experience of Intimate Partner Violence: findings from Norway.
Despite the fact that violence against men has been invisible in research, in the wider social discourse and in the historical narrative about men, it seems that men are generally able to speak openly about their own experiences of violence without defining themselves as victims.