Male Psychology: The Magazine
Does patriarchy exist in the West today, except as a lazy slogan?
The term ‘patriarchy’ [is] a concept, not a theory. For something to be a theory, it should be testable, empirical, and capable of making predictions.
A Serious Laughter Revolution in Teaching
My classes have a gender imbalance with an average of 80% to 90% being females. This sometimes seems intimidating to the young men who opt to remain quiet in classes.
Boys might read more if we give them books they want to read
By providing books boys might want to read, there is a genuine chance of inspiring boys to read more.
80% of clinical psychologists are women. What is being done to address this gender imbalance?
This is the second of a two-part article. In Part 1 we saw that men make up only about 20% of clinical psychologists. For a field so focused on equality, this is a very large elephant in the room. Here, in the second part of this article, efforts to address this disparity - and responses to these efforts - are discussed.
Why are so few psychologists male? Insights from a psychology trainee
If the situation was reversed, I would never dismiss the contributions from female colleagues purely because they were female and their experiences were different to my own.
Should we be concerned about the messages that men and boys are exposed to?
I have concerns as to how these inconsistencies and sweeping generalisations about men and boys go unchallenged.
The Male Psychology undergraduate module – a first for the UK and the world
Male psychology is a recent development in academia. Unlike gender studies, feminism, and men’s studies, male psychology takes the view that we can gain more by recognising and harnessing the positive aspects of masculinity than we can by taking a relentlessly negative approach to men.
The boys are back in town… because they dropped out of university
educational underachievement can have personal costs to individuals and to society, especially when underachievement turns into delinquency and crime.
It’s a myth that boys have beaten girls in A-level results
Anyone who knows about the educational underachievement of boys compared to girls will have been surprised by the headlines about the 2017 A-level results. But despite all these celebratory headlines, having looked in detail at gender differences in the available data, it seems this isn’t actually the turning point for boys that was so widely reported at all.