Male Psychology: The Magazine
Men tend to regulate their emotions through actions rather than words
The two ways of regulating emotions have implications for the field of mental health, which relies predominately on talking therapy – in particular talking about feelings.
How would you know if you are discriminating against men?
This OECD research identifies gender inequality, but only when it goes against women. That’s because they literally don’t measure the inequalities that go against men.
The APA has changed its view of masculinity
The APA has been criticised for the view of masculinity in their 2018 guidelines, so it is very welcome news that the mission statement of the relevant part of the APA is no longer so negative.
You can’t reduce domestic abuse by telling people that life is a power struggle between men and women. Interview with Professor Nicola Graham-Kevan
There is social power, there is structural power, and there is physical power. What women have in our society is the power of the state behind them, and men do not. Men only have that physical power, and most men don’t want to use it
False allegations of rape: the true extent remains unknown.
…lack of a consistent definition of what constitutes a false rape allegation, as well as variations in recording practices by police and others in the CJS, make accurate assessment of the true extent of such allegations very difficult.
From Sex War to Family Union: an interview with Neil Lyndon
…the feminist movement has done inestimable damage to the mental health of boys and men. Making boys second class at school, teaching them that males are bad by nature and that women have suffered at the hands of men inevitably leads to boys feeling unhappy about themselves and adopting the unruly, delinquent behaviour which is expected of them.
Is our attitude to men based on substandard research?
Much of our attitudes, theorizing and public debate around men and masculinity is influenced by high profile feminist and Gender Studies scholars in academia. But what is the scientific quality of publications from these scholars?