Male Psychology: The Magazine
From Sex War to Family Union: an interview with Neil Lyndon
…the feminist movement has done inestimable damage to the mental health of boys and men. Making boys second class at school, teaching them that males are bad by nature and that women have suffered at the hands of men inevitably leads to boys feeling unhappy about themselves and adopting the unruly, delinquent behaviour which is expected of them.
Book review: ‘No More Sex War’ and ‘Sexual Impolitics’ by Neil Lyndon
The book is a brilliant achievement, both intellectually and morally. It has stood the test of time – unfortunately - because things haven’t changed that much since 1992
La Violencia de Pareja Legal y Administrativa
La violencia de pareja es un constructo multidimensional en el que se suelen distinguir la violencia física, la psicológica, la sexual y las conductas coercitivas y de control. En este artículo voy a abordar un tipo de violencia de pareja que no ha sido tan estudiada aunque -por su frecuencia y consecuencias- lo merece.
One man’s experience of how the family court system can impact the mental health of fathers
During that holiday whilst not with me, the oldest boy started self-harming and talked about killing himself. …What do you think was the action of social services at the case conference? Case closed, the children were taken off the At Risk Register. The father was no longer in the family home and now the children were deemed safe.
Legal and Administrative Intimate Partner Violence
Legal and administrative violence is the manipulation of legal and administrative resources as an attempt to control or inflict emotional and financial harm on one’s partner
What’s happened to the blue collar male, and why does it matter?
Blue collar males in the U.S. are experiencing higher incarceration rates, dying younger, using drugs more, and marrying less than ever before. Why?
Honoring Your Father by Holding His Hand
all I could see in his piercing blue eyes was a complex cluster of the various variables of what could only be described as disappointment.
Finding honey in the shitstorm: personal crisis, faith, and mental health
I crashed into a suicidal breakdown when I was 24. A carving knife in my own hand had been pointed at my heart before a friend dragged me to the local mental hospital