Male Psychology: The Magazine
An invisible hero for invisible victims: interview with domestic violence pioneer, Erin Pizzey
90% of men in prisons have come from generational family violence… So when they're violent - which is what they've learned - we then perpetuate the violence by putting them in prison.
Let’s Cultivate Resilience Before It Becomes a Lost Skill
Resilient people do not let adversity define them, because they have been conditioned to perceive bad times as a temporary situation.
Honoring Your Father by Holding His Hand
all I could see in his piercing blue eyes was a complex cluster of the various variables of what could only be described as disappointment.
Book review of Grayson Perry’s The Descent of Man
What is to be gained by demonising men, when they are our brothers, sons, grandchildren? How can society function properly with 50% of it branded as toxic?