Male Psychology: The Magazine
Acronyms and Male Mental Health
… as someone who used to rigidly think that masculinity was bad, a wealth of literature challenged my thinking and helped me to develop a healthier and more informed view…
Are men treated as 'less equal' by the therapy professions?
Therapists can work effectively with men experiencing distress without asking them to change. Telling them they are ‘doing masculinity wrong’ is judgemental and victim blaming.
Masculinity isn’t toxic, it’s the tonic society needs. An interview with therapist, Professor Miles Groth.
Masculinity may be just the tonic (remedy) needed by society at a time when it has recently suffered so many fractures.
Are men less willing to engage in traditional talking therapy because therapy has been feminised?
Gamma bias […] plays down positive aspects of masculinity, whilst rejecting the notion of men as victims.
The "Better Angels" of Masculinity
Masculinity is a set of masculine instincts—whose expression and use generate and are energized by the feeling of passion for life.
Woke Therapy Weakens the Client
The client will be encouraged to interrogate their relationships based on power dynamics. Female clients, for example, will be urged to view all interactions with men as a site of patriarchal oppression
'The APA guidelines are disparaging of men and boys’. An interview with Professor Chris Ferguson
I’ve become curious why people, including very smart people with Ph.Ds, tend to leap at moralistic conclusions, adhere to them and consider them “science” when they are no such thing.
Five steps to better mental health for men
Open up more, notice more how you feel, keep focused on your goals, put your goals first because you know they are good for you
Brutalised children can become brutal adults: An interview with clinical and forensic psychologist Dr Naomi Murphy.
The brutality of the person's offence is generally related to the brutality of what they've experienced during childhood.
Why are twice as many women as men prescribed psychotropic drugs? A historical perspective.
Mental distress in men was more common than generally acknowledged, and was treated in different ways e.g. alternative drugs, or self-medication with over-the-counter remedies.
It’s time for the PTMF to stop categorising men as negative stereotypes
“Although psychiatry is criticised for reducing people to diagnostic categories, the PTMF reduces men even further to a narrow and unforgiving stereotype of masculinity”
A therapist who has survived the family court process shows other men how they can get through it too
I was ignorant of these horrors until I had my own skirmish in the family courts. Being a therapist, I emerged wondering if I could support other separated fathers
A guide to counselling male military personnel and veterans
hyper-masculine gender norms are typically embedded within military institutions, and while adherence to these norms can contribute to combat and military success, they conversely make clinical work challenging