Male Psychology: The Magazine
Let’s Cultivate Resilience Before It Becomes a Lost Skill
Resilient people do not let adversity define them, because they have been conditioned to perceive bad times as a temporary situation.
We need a sophisticated international approach to understanding the mental health needs of boys and girls
We should avoid the temptation to apply a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach to mental health either to boys and girls or across different cultures.
Three reasons you will miss pubs when they go extinct
Socialising is a basic human need. The opposite – social isolation – is one of the worst forms of torture. Some people look down on the local pub as a place for undesirable riff raff, but that narrow viewpoint misses entirely the community value of the pub
The boys are back in town… because they dropped out of university
educational underachievement can have personal costs to individuals and to society, especially when underachievement turns into delinquency and crime.
It’s a myth that boys have beaten girls in A-level results
Anyone who knows about the educational underachievement of boys compared to girls will have been surprised by the headlines about the 2017 A-level results. But despite all these celebratory headlines, having looked in detail at gender differences in the available data, it seems this isn’t actually the turning point for boys that was so widely reported at all.
One-night stands are all about the pleasure of sex, right? Maybe not…
Casual sex is an ego boost and the context can be thrilling, but the actual sex is perceived as awkward, uncomfortable and disappointing