Male Psychology: The Magazine
82,000 chapter downloads and counting: the spectacular success of The Palgrave Handbook of Male Psychology and Mental Health
According to the publisher, Palgrave Macmillan, the Handbook of Male Psychology is, with over 82,000 chapter downloads and almost 100 citations, one of their “best-performing titles within the psychology list, and at Palgrave Macmillan in general
‘Do I Belong Here?’ How well are male victims of domestic abuse served by local authority websites?
Many local authorities will use ungendered language, but given the predominant “male violence” narrative, ungendered language may not be enough to convince a man he’s in the right place.
Men’s Experience of Intimate Partner Violence: findings from Norway.
Despite the fact that violence against men has been invisible in research, in the wider social discourse and in the historical narrative about men, it seems that men are generally able to speak openly about their own experiences of violence without defining themselves as victims.
Expanding our understanding of male victims of domestic abuse: An interview with Dr Liz Bates
people are more aware of the fact men can be victims of this type of violence, but this often isn’t translated into policy, practice or indeed provision of resources
When domestic violence turns into legal and administrative violence
Five years ago, I believed the system would support genuine victims, that it supported ‘at risk’ children. Maybe I was naïve in my thinking
You can’t reduce domestic abuse by telling people that life is a power struggle between men and women. Interview with Professor Nicola Graham-Kevan
There is social power, there is structural power, and there is physical power. What women have in our society is the power of the state behind them, and men do not. Men only have that physical power, and most men don’t want to use it
The state should help prevent - not enable – abuse during family breakdown
Although a ‘survivor’ of domestic abuse… I was never going to give my career up to make me financially eligible for legal aid.
It’s time for a strategy for male victims of domestic violence
The campaign begins with a focus on the Northern Ireland Executive’s recent call for views on the development of a specific strategy to tackle violence against women and girls. We are calling on the Executive to complement this work with a male victims strategy.