Male Psychology: The Magazine
‘Do I Belong Here?’ How well are male victims of domestic abuse served by local authority websites?
Many local authorities will use ungendered language, but given the predominant “male violence” narrative, ungendered language may not be enough to convince a man he’s in the right place.
Battering the boy won’t make a better man
Boys must be taught how to turn their negative emotions of hate, anger and depression, as a result of violence, into a productive medium.
The “Toxic Male Gaze”: Should men staring at women be illegal?
London Transport trains are used by people of all kinds from all over the world, including ordinary people from cultures where staring is not seen as threatening e.g. Spain
You can’t reduce domestic abuse by telling people that life is a power struggle between men and women. Interview with Professor Nicola Graham-Kevan
There is social power, there is structural power, and there is physical power. What women have in our society is the power of the state behind them, and men do not. Men only have that physical power, and most men don’t want to use it
We need to listen to young men, even when we don’t like what they are saying
Some people blame drill music – a form of rap - for the rising murder rate in London. Drill is known for aggressive lyrics about gang violence, but rather than seeing this as a valuable way for young men to express their feelings, some people want to ban it.
‘Dehumanizing the male’. Book review.
To survive… cultures have to use men and women effectively and … in fact, most cultures have used men and women in different ways… what our culture does is [grant] greater status to men and greater protection to women
‘Silicon Valley’s biggest fraud’: What’s sex got to do with it?
"I wanted to take a minute to say, especially to the young women in the room here, do everything you can to be the best in science, in math, in engineering. It's our actions that will determine this new stereotype around women being the best in science
Elizabeth Holmes: Female Icon to accused fraudster to alleged victim of intimate partner abuse
through incredibly innovative technological design, a small, automated device would run complex analyses on only a fingerpick of blood. The idea was to transform healthcare as we know it. [There was only one problem: it didn’t work]
Male rape in the media: The forgotten victims.
For years male rape has been shown as comedy, in films to TV shows, so much that it’s now a cliché. It even appears in children’s cartoon shows such as SpongeBob SquarePants
Review of ‘The Mask You Live In’
As interesting as this movie might be, one important caveat should not be forgotten: it uses a very narrow definition of masculinity. The evidence for the existence of this type of masculinity is based mainly upon narrow populations – prison inmates and frat house partygoers.