Male Psychology: The Magazine
Positive Masculinity is what we need to be talking about now
In no way is being male a psychological problem, but the expression of some male roles that encourage shame, aggression, dominance, and indifference often brew psychological problems on cultural and individual levels. For me, this is where positive masculinity emerges.
The boys are back in town… because they dropped out of university
educational underachievement can have personal costs to individuals and to society, especially when underachievement turns into delinquency and crime.
It’s a myth that boys have beaten girls in A-level results
Anyone who knows about the educational underachievement of boys compared to girls will have been surprised by the headlines about the 2017 A-level results. But despite all these celebratory headlines, having looked in detail at gender differences in the available data, it seems this isn’t actually the turning point for boys that was so widely reported at all.
The effects of a rights of passage programme on adolescent boys
Our objectives were to assess the efficacy of Journeyman UK in the context of the Rites of Passage Adventure Weekend we run annually and get a quantitative assessment of our subjective experience of the program’s success in improving the participants’ wellbeing, emotional intelligence, self-awareness and agency – focusing on positive masculinity.
Review of ‘The Mask You Live In’
As interesting as this movie might be, one important caveat should not be forgotten: it uses a very narrow definition of masculinity. The evidence for the existence of this type of masculinity is based mainly upon narrow populations – prison inmates and frat house partygoers.
It’s easier to blame men than to see men as victims
legal research demonstrates that men receive longer prison sentences than do women, even when they commit identical crimes. Experimental evidence shows the various ways in which people tend to see women as victims, and men as perpetrators.
One-night stands are all about the pleasure of sex, right? Maybe not…
Casual sex is an ego boost and the context can be thrilling, but the actual sex is perceived as awkward, uncomfortable and disappointing
Finding honey in the shitstorm: personal crisis, faith, and mental health
I crashed into a suicidal breakdown when I was 24. A carving knife in my own hand had been pointed at my heart before a friend dragged me to the local mental hospital