Male Psychology: The Magazine

Commentary, Clinical, Neurodiversity Bijal Chheda-Varma Commentary, Clinical, Neurodiversity Bijal Chheda-Varma

ADHD: see the positives and get the balance right

Would the world be better off without the existence of ADHD symptoms and traits? Hardly. Strip away ADHD and we may take away our evolutionary pattern of neurodiversity. The hyperactivity and impulsivity when channeled in the right manner offers healthy risk taking, ability to perform high energy and intensity tasks and a mind that can think outside the box when a problem arises.

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Commentary, Health and Wellbeing Sunil Lad Commentary, Health and Wellbeing Sunil Lad

Men and yoga

The way in which yoga is often perceived, especially for men, is that are they unable to get into the poses as they are not flexible in their bodies as women and not able to “do it”. This perception is often created by images of people in bendy poses, predominately women, who have different body frames and structure to men.

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Commentary, Education Gijsbert Stoet Commentary, Education Gijsbert Stoet

It’s a myth that boys have beaten girls in A-level results

Anyone who knows about the educational underachievement of boys compared to girls will have been surprised by the headlines about the 2017 A-level results. But despite all these celebratory headlines, having looked in detail at gender differences in the available data, it seems this isn’t actually the turning point for boys that was so widely reported at all.

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