Male Psychology: The Magazine
The Valentine gift of Masculinity
More than at any time in history, we need now to grant each other this gift of mutual care. That is because the love of women no longer saves men from the battles they face, and the love of men no longer saves women from wolves that prey on their peace of mind.
Most people know masculinity is ok, and the Harry’s masculinity reports support this view
International Men’s Day 2017 saw the launch in Westminster of the first Harry’s masculinity report. The report found evidence justifying why the general public think men are basically ok, despite the fact that so many academics seem to use men as a blank screen onto which to project their negative feelings about masculinity.
Finding honey in the shitstorm: personal crisis, faith, and mental health
I crashed into a suicidal breakdown when I was 24. A carving knife in my own hand had been pointed at my heart before a friend dragged me to the local mental hospital