Male Psychology: The Magazine

Commentary, Masculinity, Mental Health John Barry Commentary, Masculinity, Mental Health John Barry

Most people know masculinity is ok, and the Harry’s masculinity reports support this view

International Men’s Day 2017 saw the launch in Westminster of the first Harry’s masculinity report. The report found evidence justifying why the general public think men are basically ok, despite the fact that so many academics seem to use men as a blank screen onto which to project their negative feelings about masculinity.

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Commentary, Clinical, Neurodiversity Bijal Chheda-Varma Commentary, Clinical, Neurodiversity Bijal Chheda-Varma

ADHD: see the positives and get the balance right

Would the world be better off without the existence of ADHD symptoms and traits? Hardly. Strip away ADHD and we may take away our evolutionary pattern of neurodiversity. The hyperactivity and impulsivity when channeled in the right manner offers healthy risk taking, ability to perform high energy and intensity tasks and a mind that can think outside the box when a problem arises.

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Research, Mentoring Ianto Doyle, D. Doyle and Luke Harney Research, Mentoring Ianto Doyle, D. Doyle and Luke Harney

The effects of a rights of passage programme on adolescent boys

Our objectives were to assess the efficacy of Journeyman UK in the context of the Rites of Passage Adventure Weekend we run annually and get a quantitative assessment of our subjective experience of the program’s success in improving the participants’ wellbeing, emotional intelligence, self-awareness and agency – focusing on positive masculinity.

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