Male Psychology: The Magazine
Men, Alcohol and Coping
Alcohol abuse clearly appeared to affect men in much larger numbers than women, but nonetheless, discussions rarely mentioned why this might be.
Feel the fear – it might save someone’s life
Fear is a huge motivator for me and Project Jeb. Fear it will happen again to another close long time friend, or their son.
Why are twice as many women as men prescribed psychotropic drugs? A historical perspective.
Mental distress in men was more common than generally acknowledged, and was treated in different ways e.g. alternative drugs, or self-medication with over-the-counter remedies.
Is sperm quality deteriorating worldwide? Find out what the experts say.
What are the facts about sperm quality? Well, a debate on this topic was featured in the December 2021 edition of the leading fertility journal in the US, Fertility & Sterility. One side argued that sperm rates are in decline worldwide, and the other side argued there was no real evidence for this
To be or not to be in the Covid-19 Brave New Normal? A question of male courage.
There is an assault from many factions in our society dominated by a postmodern outlook, which seeks to deconstruct the identity of men, masculinity, and men’s role in the pursuit of truth.
Most people know masculinity is ok, and the Harry’s masculinity reports support this view
International Men’s Day 2017 saw the launch in Westminster of the first Harry’s masculinity report. The report found evidence justifying why the general public think men are basically ok, despite the fact that so many academics seem to use men as a blank screen onto which to project their negative feelings about masculinity.
Men and yoga
The way in which yoga is often perceived, especially for men, is that are they unable to get into the poses as they are not flexible in their bodies as women and not able to “do it”. This perception is often created by images of people in bendy poses, predominately women, who have different body frames and structure to men.