Male Psychology: The Magazine
To be or not to be in the Covid-19 Brave New Normal? A question of male courage.
There is an assault from many factions in our society dominated by a postmodern outlook, which seeks to deconstruct the identity of men, masculinity, and men’s role in the pursuit of truth.
Do men take too many risks in relation to the environment and covid-19?
Imagine that we knew that a stray planet was going to collide with us in a year’s time, and people could look up at the sky every day and see the planet getting bigger and bigger… How many climate sceptics would suddenly believe in saving the Earth?
Free events and fun times in London: The roots of the Centre for Male Psychology, 2014 – 2020
Up until early 2020, every couple of months we put on an event, which could be a free talk by an expert, a workshop, debate, movie, or book launch. We put on talks on topics that other venues dared not
Three reasons you will miss pubs when they go extinct
Socialising is a basic human need. The opposite – social isolation – is one of the worst forms of torture. Some people look down on the local pub as a place for undesirable riff raff, but that narrow viewpoint misses entirely the community value of the pub